Vincent Kompany talks about hardship, resiliency, and hard lessons learned after an unfortunate start to the season

When asked if his team has the resilience to bounce back, Vincent Kompany said, “Personally I have a very strong feeling about these types of moments.

They define you as a human being. Not just in football, but life in general.”

Burnley has fallen to Brentford 3-0, their seventh loss in their first nine games, and Kompany is determined not to “hide away” from the difficult situation his team finds itself in.

“Can you still be humble when you’re at your happiest, successful, and have everything going for you? Are you still able to put in a lot of work? Are you able to stay together?

“Can we still be resilient when we’re going through a difficult period—I’m not saying we’re at our lowest point—but it’s a difficult game and today for us. Are we able to stay together? I truly care about you being able to face the reality and act in the team’s best interests.

“These have been the most meaningful times in my life and work, so it’s nothing I would ever run away from.

Since I’ve been there, at least, this team doesn’t have a journey that begins with the Premier League because we already experienced it last season.

“The resilience in this team has already been demonstrated by the numerous experiences we had in the Championship, but we need to step up because this is a different level.”

Kompany had already stated that despite their difficult start to the campaign, his team was moving in the right manner.

When asked if the Brentford loss was a turning point or just an anomaly, Kompany responded, “I guess we’ll find out.”

“Putting it in that kind of context right now is a little challenging, but it’s something you have to deal with. When that occurs, you have to take something positive out of it, more than just a “we lost here and we’re disappointed” feeling. No, you need to extract more value from these items.

“We must repeat what we have always done as a group—respond to these kinds of events. There isn’t a single alternative.

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