Three possible Birmingham City leaders and reason Gary Rowett hasn’t changed much

For some time, coaches and supporters have been discussing Birmingham City’s lack of leaders.

Some of Blues’ six managers this season have commented on the lack of vocal figures in the dressing room.

The loss of the club’s longest-serving player, Lukas Jutkiewicz, hasn’t helped in that aspect or with the Blues’ style of play. If Jutkiewicz had been available, Gary Rowett would very certainly have set the Blues up to play more directly at times.

Jutkiewicz is still out with a knee injury and may not return before the completion of the four-game miniseason that will determine the Blues’ fate. This week’s Keep Right On Podcast had a Q&A portion about leaders, Jutkiewicz, and playing style.

Check out the transcript of Alex Dicken (AD) and Brian Dicken’s (BD) chat below…

Can you see any leaders of men within these players?

BD: “I’ll take John Ruddy and you can pick through the rest…”

AD: “I think Dion Sanderson is learning to be a leader. I genuinely think he is. That’s what John Eustace was saying at the start of the season when he made him captain. Eustace obviously recognised that John Ruddy was the natural fit with Lukas Jutkiewicz not being guaranteed a starting place, but he gave it to Dion Sanderson because he saw leadership qualities within him. He’s at a similar age to a lot of this group Blues have assembled. Sanderson will be a decent captain down the years but he’s probably not had the experience to deal with the chaos that has been thrown at him this season. How many seasons in his career is he going to have six different managers and six different central defensive partners? It’s been carnage from his perspective. I hope he rides this through and comes back stronger next season, I think he will be here irrespective of what league Blues are in next season.”

BD: “It also depends on what you mean by leadership. It’s not just a question of running round with a bloodied headband or screaming at your teammates, it’s about having the courage to play that pass a bit quicker or make that run. I think Bacuna has showed some elements of leadership.”

AD: “I think he has taken enormous responsibility during games. I think Paik has as well. He takes responsibility in possession, more so than any other midfielder. Bacuna and Paik are quiet leaders.”

BD: “I would love Jutkiewicz to be in that team, not from a lump it forward and scrap for second balls perspective, as attractive as that is at the moment, but when I last saw him play in the flesh it felt like there was some accountability when he was on the pitch. That presence of a grown man who knows what the standards need to be.”

When is Juke back?

AD: “I don’t think he will be available for the Coventry game. Before the game against Leicester I saw him doing the lightest of jogs across the turf to go and take his seat. I would be surprised if he played before the Huddersfield game. I’ve not been given a timeframe but Rowett is projecting the last couple of games at best. God knows Blues need him.”

Are you surprised that largely the style of football hasn’t changed much under Rowett or not considering the squad at his disposal?

AD: “Blues haven’t been that different under Rowett to what they were under Mowbray, so we can basically say that is down to personnel. The players Blues have haven’t changed. Mowbray didn’t use Lukas Jutkiewicz a great deal, Rowett would have used him more. He probably would have used Oliver Burke who, for all his faults, is physically quite good – fast and good in the air. I think he definitely would have used Marc Roberts at centre-back. I think they would have been used a lot more than they were under previous regimes. Because they have been injured Rowett hasn’t been able to change much. Rowett has taken the best route in my opinion, Blues have to play through the thirds to score goals, they can’t lump balls to Jay Stansfield.”

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