Michigan Wolverines drop DL to the transfer portal

The Michigan Wolverines are adjusting to life without Jim Harbaugh. Although the elevation of offensive coordinator Sherrone Moore has stabilized the program, significant changes are on the way. One of the changes that will occur with the program is player departure. Reece Atteberry, a defensive lineman, was the first Michigan athlete to transfer.

Michigan Wolverines lose Reece Atteberry.

Atteberry has appeared in all 24 games during his Michigan career. He has played both offense and defense. When Atteberry joined the program, he was seen as the center of the future. However, he never found his footing and had to transfer to the defensive line. He was a rotation player there who could never break into the starting lineup. Atteberry will depart Ann Arbor to pursue a new opportunity.

First player to go.

It’s astonishing that Atteberry is the first player to go. He wasn’t a starter, so the loss isn’t too devastating if you’re a Michigan fan. Normally, under these times, players flock to the portal, while recruiters withdraw their commitment. We have not seen that with this program. It reveals what the players think of Moore. It could possibly be due to the high number of starters leaving for the NFL. This leaves many starting slots free, and athletes may be eager to join one of the nation’s top schools.

Could the Michigan Wolverines be on their way out? So far, players are remaining put and preparing to move forward in 2024.

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