“McKenna trusts him”: Ipswich player is in line for a new deal

Ipswich Town are apparently preparing to offer goalkeeper Vaclav Hladky a new three-year contract.

Journalist Alan Nixon has revealed on his Patreon that the Tractor Boys are considering making a multi-year offer to their number one before he leaves for free in the summer at the end of his current contract.

The 33-year-old has been Town’s staple between the posts this season, with Christian Walton, the number one from a season ago, filling in for the former Salford City keeper in the 23/24 campaign.

Henry, an Ipswich fan commentator, has commented on the Czech shot-stopper’s probable new deal.

Ipswich fan view on potential new deal for Hladky

Henry said: “He’s saved us in games, but he’s also cost us a few points. I do think that he’s saved us more than he’s cost us this season, definitely.

“His ability on the ball has got better and better. There are some questions about his long-range shot-stopping and his ability to handle the ball rather than catch it.

“The last goal against Hull City, and the goal against Coventry City, you could say that he could do better, but, then again, his save in the first half against Hull, and then the magnificent save against Coventry to deny their striker from point-blank range was great.

“He’s got the reflexes, and he’s got the distribution. His aerial presence hasn’t been questioned that much, which I’ve been surprised at because that was one of his flaws when he came in.

“Walton is much better in the air, but his distribution isn’t to the same standard as Hladky.

“If we get promoted, I think that he would be a very good back-up, and I think that we’d look to go after another goalkeeper.

“In saying that, I do think that McKenna trusts him, so he could be the number one to start with and then they can see how it goes from there.

“I think it’s a difficult one. I think, if we end up in the Championship for another season then we’ll definitely stick with him. He’s plenty good enough for the Championship.

“I think he’s only going to get better at knowing his positioning in the box, with his centre backs, and he needs to get a bit more confident with his shot-stopping, being able to push the ball away and claim it.

“Yes, he’s good enough to start at the beginning of the Premier League. I’ll maybe think different come a couple of games in. But I think a three-year deal works.”

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