Knighthead has assigned Chris Davies two right away targets for Birmingham City

Birmingham City’s new manager Chris Davies has detailed his remit from owners Knighthead.

Chris Davies is well aware that Birmingham City’s owners want promotion, and his long-term goal is ‘to push the club to the top’.

Since taking over at Blues a year ago, Knighthead has been open about their intention to compete in the Premier League. Relegation to League One is a setback, but the overall goal remains the same.

Tom Wagner stated that relegation would not affect the club’s investment strategy, and millions were spent during the offseason to refurbish St Andrew’s and the training grounds. A football club’s success can be judged by a variety of indicators, but for some, first-team results are everything.

Davies stated, “It’s quite unusual to go to a team that has recently been relegated and invest in infrastructure and facilities, as they are doing here. Even at this training site, the work that is being done demonstrates their dedication and interest. It’s not just talk; it’s genuine. When you see it, it really encourages me. Their intentions for the future are really exciting.

“The owners have stated that they want us to focus on assembling a really strong squad. There is a lot of work to do there. They want us to push and have the best opportunity of instantly returning to the Championship.

“That’s where everyone’s thoughts are right now. As I stated at the outset, we must strike a balance between being really uncomfortable and ambitious – getting out of League One – but remaining modest enough to recognize the challenges we face.

“Ultimately, the owners see this as a long-term endeavor to elevate the club to new heights. That was something that got me very enthusiastic. The first stage for us is to ensure we get out of this league.”

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