Manager Kieran McKenna is thrilled to welcome Jeremy Sarmiento to the team this week.

He began practicing with the group earlier this week, and Kieran is thrilled with his new acquisition ahead of his probable FA Cup debut against AFC Wimbledon on Saturday.

“We’re really pleased to have Jeremy here,” stated the Town manager.

“He’s a player we know well from watching him play for Brighton last season, and Martyn (Pert) has seen him live several times and spoken with his family for quite some time.

“He’s a highly talented youngster and a player with a lot of promise, so we’re excited to bring him into the group and help him reach his full potential.

“We think he’s a good fit from a cultural point of view and is a good professional who fits our style of play, so we’re excited to have him here.”

When asked how Jeremy has fit into the squad at the start of his Town career, Kieran replied: “It’s worked out pretty well timing-wise because we’ve had a good few days since the Stoke game

.”He trained individual on Wednesday and then with the group on Thursday, so he’s been able to meet everyone and has a good chance of adjusting well into rehearsal and then in the games as well.” “He trained individual on Wednesday and then with the group on Thursday, so he’s been able to meet everyone and has a good chance of adjusting well into rehearsal and then in the games as well.”

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