Indianapolis Colts quarterback Anthony Richardson appreciates sharing a division with C.J. Stroud

When it comes to sports, many people express a desire to compete against the greatest.

Do not get me wrong; I completely understand. There’s something fulfilling about taking out what others feel is the finest because, well, that makes you the best! Transitive property, and all that crap.

But when it comes to matters like your divide, I miss you. People can say they want intense competition all year, but what sounds easier? Every year, there are guaranteed playoff positions.

Obviously, nothing is guaranteed in the world of athletics, but I believe the basic point is clear. It is something I addressed with Indianapolis Colts quarterback Anthony Richardson over the weekend, thanks to our pals at Panini. You can view our talk here via the Blogging The Boys YouTube channel.

Richardson and I talked about a variety of issues, including how excited he is for the 2024 season, but when he mentioned Houston Texans quarterback C.J. Stroud, I couldn’t stop myself.

Stroud received Offensive Rookie of the Year. There’s no debate about it. He was undoubtedly the greatest.
But, while I’m not suggesting Anthony Richardson would have won if he had played the entire season, in the realm of athletics, such queries are completely valid. I asked Anthony whether he felt that way, and he said he is really respectful of and glad for Stroud, but as a competitor, you always believe you have the best chance of doing something like that when you have control.

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It will be a lot of fun to see the AFC South and these two (plus Trevor Lawrence!) compete for years to come. These are good times. We made it.

We thank Anthony Richardson and Panini for their time.

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