Former offensive tackle for the Seahawks was found guilty of two charges of domestic violence

Following allegations that he had choked and pinned his partner in a 2021 incident, former offensive tackle for the Seattle Seahawks Chad Wheeler was found guilty on two counts of domestic abuse.

Former offensive lineman Chad Wheeler of the Seattle Seahawks was found guilty on two charges of domestic violence by a King County (Washington) court.

Wheeler was found not guilty of a count of unlawful imprisonment, but he was found guilty of assault and domestic abuse in the first and second degrees.

Wheeler ‘used force or means likely to result in death’ on his then-girlfriend Alleah Taylor, according to a jury’s verdict, according to King County prosecutors. Later on Thursday, she said, “I finally have justice,” on Twitter.

For a first-degree offense, the State may request a mandatory minimum of five years, but for a second-degree charge, which ‘carries an aggravator,’ the State may request a sentence that is greater than the minimum.

On December 14, Wheeler is anticipated to get a sentence.

Bipolar patient Wheeler says he was going through a “manic episode” at the time of the incident. Taylor, however, wasn’t sure if his mental health problems were the cause of the attack.

Following the event, Wheeler was waived by the Seahawks, who at the time expressed their sadness at the circumstances that were coming to light about Wheeler and their strong condemnation of the act of domestic abuse. Our sympathies and best wishes are with the victim. Chad is no longer a member of the team and is a free agent.

Early in February 2021, Wheeler was jailed after police were called to a residence in the Kent area of Seattle. Taylor and her family had reported that Wheeler had been attacked but had taken refuge in a toilet.

When police arrived on the site, they heard a lady screaming. They broke through the barred door, pushed their way inside the flat, and discovered Wheeler and Taylor. According to court documents, she was sobbing, her face was covered in blood, and her arm was hanging limp next to her.

Wheeler was taken into custody, according to the police, who claimed he was combative and had been yelling at them to “sorry” and “I don’t beat women!” Wheeler was eventually tased by police, although it didn’t seem to have much of an impact.

Speaking with investigators while still in the hospital, Taylor disclosed that Wheeler had started choking and attempting to suffocate her when she had refused to’stand up and bow to him’.

Wheeler grabbed and twisted Taylor’s arm as she tried to struggle back as she started to lose consciousness. Later on, it was determined that she had a dislocated elbow in her left arm and a shattered humerus bone.

Wheeler stood near the bed when she regained consciousness and said, “Wow, you’re alive?” At that moment, she bolted into the bathroom to phone her family and the police.

In the end, Wheeler picked the lock on the restroom, went in, and started apologizing.

Taylor arrived at the hospital with noticeable bruising and swelling, which she described as being from unremembered punches and strikes. She also had lesions on her neck, some of which resembled fingermarks.

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