Eastern Michigan football player instigates mass brawl after SUCKER PUNCHING competitor from South Alabama

On Saturday, a major brawl erupted at the conclusion of the 68 Ventures Bowl after an Eastern Michigan player landed a sucker punch on his South Alabama competitor while celebrating.

South Alabama defeated the visitors 59-10 at Hancock Whitney Stadium on home turf. The Jaguars (7-6) led 38-3 at halftime before winning their first bowl game on the fourth try.

However, the celebrations of the winning squad were cut short when one of their players was attacked from behind.

South Alamaba players and staff were singing the school song in front of the marching band in the stands when an Eastern Michigan player ran over and seemed to strike a rival in the back of the head.

The perpetrator was quickly apprehended, and a battle erupted involving players from both teams.

As fists were thrown and South Alabama players piled on an Eastern Michigan rival who was on the floor, some staff members sought to stop the violence.

Fracas continued to erupt even after tensions appeared to be easing. One South Alabama player tackled an opponent to the ground at the end of the video, which went viral on social media.

According to sources, the violence occurred after tempers erupted throughout the game, with at least one big confrontation taking place on the South Alabama bench.

Eastern Michigan’s Korey Hernandez is said to have thrown the first punch, striking South Alabama defensive back Jamarrit Burt in the head.

Burt’s older brother, fellow defensive back Brian Dillard, is claimed to have been among those to defend him.

Eastern Michigan coach Chris Creighton remarked after the game, “We had a really good, long talk in the locker room.”

‘We want to be first-class all the time, no matter what the circumstances are, no matter what the scoreboard is, no matter what other factors, individuals, or anything are involved. And anything less than first-class isn’t up to the level set by Eastern Michigan football.

‘I believe our players are very concerned with their performance. I’m sure we were ashamed by how we played, and it probably didn’t take much to bring our guys into a situation that we hope they never find themselves in.’


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