Burnley midfielder on how much he enjoys playing against the world’s best players

Josh Cullen, a midfielder for Burnley, says that despite the Clarets’ terrible start to life in the Premier League, playing at the highest level is still a dream come true.

The 27-year-old said in an interview with BBC Radio Lancashire that he was optimistic the team could still turn things around and that it was up to them to disprove their skeptics.

“Obviously, the season’s results and start have disappointed us, but sometimes you have to accept the level at which you’re playing and the childhood fantasies of competing against the world’s best players.” This year, both as a group and as individuals, we’re doing that.

“We have faith that we can make a change, begin to see more favorable outcomes, and leave the predicament we find ourselves in right now.”

The Republic of Ireland international, who did not play against Arsenal this past weekend, acknowledged that although being able to play in the Premier League was an ideal, making the transition from the Championship had been substantial.

“I can only speak from personal experience, and this is by far the largest step I’ve taken to move up a league.

The quality, physicality, and intensity of the game all increase significantly.

“It’s undoubtedly a huge step up, but as a player, you have to enjoy it and look forward to pushing yourself every week against elite players and elite teams.

We’ll have to disprove everyone’s assumptions. At the beginning of the season, people are quick to write teams off and form their own opinions based on a small sample size of games.

“But we think we can turn things around because we have a long way to go and we believe in our process.”

Vincent Kompany’s team destroyed the Championship with Cullen making 50 appearances across all competitions and scoring an amazing 101 points.

His performances saw him voted the club’s players’ player of the season as well as the fans’ player of the season.

Additionally, he won another trophy last week when the Northwest Football Awards named him the Championship Player of the Season.

“It’s always incredibly satisfying to hold an award,” he remarked. It’s a proud night, and I’m obviously grateful to everyone who voted for me.Does the previous season seem like a long time ago? It both does and does not.

Football always seems to go by quickly, with games coming up one after the other, but it does seem like a long time ago when we were celebrating our victory and riding the bus through Burnley’s downtown.”We had a lot of fun times and made a lot of memories last season, which we cherish.”It was an amazing season, up there with one of the best of my career, to be promoted to the Premier League in the manner we did with a great group of guys, staff, and everyone around the club.

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