Breaking: Brad Allen Issues Official Explanation on Fiasco Which Doomed Detroit Lions

Understandably, the Detroit Lions felt cheated out of a victory against the Dallas Cowboys on Saturday Night Football.

After all, the Lions appeared to have grabbed the lead with just 23 seconds remaining on the clock after converting a two-point conversion off a Jared Goff pass to Taylor Decker (no. 68). The convert, however, was waived due to an improper touching penalty called on the Detroit offensive lineman.

Decker apparently did not report as an eligible receiver to referee Brad Allen, with offensive tackle Dan Skipper (no. 70) being announced as an eligible receiver.

That was the rationale offered to head coach Dan Campbell and the Lions following the game, and while the players denied the reporting–with Skipper stating he didn’t report in order to be an eligible receiver–the officials and referee Brad Allen stayed fast on the call.

“So, we had a situation where you had to report an ineligible number occupying an eligible position to the referee.” On this specific play, number 70, who had reported a couple of times during the game, reported to me as eligible. He then took his place at the tackle position. So, technically, he didn’t have to report at all,” Allen said after the game when questioned about the Lions’ penalty, according to Colton Pouncy of The Athletic.

“Number 68, who went downfield and touched the pass, did not report.” As a result, he is ineligible to touch a pass that crosses the line, resulting in a foul. So the problem is that number 70 did report, but number 68 did not.”

Allen also explained why two flags were thrown on the play that resulted in the Lions’ two-point conversion being waived off. Skipper was in the wrong alignment when he lined up for the play since he reported to him as an eligible receiver. Along with the call on Decker, this increased the punishment.

“Because number 70 reported as eligible and was covered up on the line of scrimmage, this formation is illegal.” “As a result, number 70 is in an illegal position because he is covered up by rule, and number 68 catches the pass, which is also illegal,” Brad Allen continued.

It’s a perplexing turn of events for the Detroit Lions, and while they still had a couple of chances to convert the two-point conversion after the Cowboys were called for an offsides penalty on the next play, they couldn’t accomplish it. Dallas was able to hold on for a 20-19 triumph.

Many Detroit Lions supporters and NFL viewers believe there was a mistake on the part of the referee since the wrong eligible receiver was announced. With the Lions asserting that Decker reported, the burden is being shifted to the referee, who may have been confused about who reported to him.

Detroit Lions’ Taylor Decker, Jared Goff Speak Out

Taylor Decker, for his part, stated that he informed referee Brad Allen that he was the eligible receiver on the aforementioned play.

The veteran offensive lineman told reporters after the game that he merely performed what he was taught to do.

“All I really want to say on it, so I don’t get myself in trouble,” Decker said, according to Nolan Bianchi of the Detroit News. “I went to the ref and said, ‘Report,'” he claimed. It was also my understanding that Dan mentions the likelihood of those plays before the game. I did what I was supposed to do, exactly as we practiced all week.”

Decker’s assertion regarding reporting was supported by Detroit Lions quarterback Jared Goff, who even stated that he knows teammate Dan Skipper did not.

“I’m not sure if I’ll get fined for this, but I do know Decker reported it.” “I know Dan Skipper didn’t,” Goff continued.

It will be fascinating to see what the NFL says after investigating the situation. It’ll undoubtedly be a heated subject all week, especially given it was a matchup between two of the top clubs in the 2023-24 season.

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