Breaking: Birmingham City Given Green Light Of Star’s Return

Birmingham City will try to strengthen their newly relegated squad right away.

Jay Stansfield is one player whose future is uncertain when the transfer window opens in the coming weeks.

The Fulham loanee’s affection for the club was evident when he burst into tears at Birmingham’s end-of-season ceremony, when he received five trophies. This includes the Players’ Player of the Season, Young Player, Supporters’ Player, Goal of the Season, and, eventually, Top Goalscorer awards. Fans will be screaming for a permanent move, but they will also be aware that the 21-year-old has Premier League ambitions with his parent club.

After a thrilling season with the Blues, Stansfield will understandably be attached to the Midlands club. 12 goals and two assists are impressive numbers for a debut season in the Championship; nonetheless, this achievement was insufficient to keep his temporary side from relegation. Despite the fact that his permanent signing appears to be out of reach, the English striker’s conversation with Birmingham Live provides some optimism for a return next season.

“I think I’ve just built up such a relationship with the fans and the club that I wanted to give my all in every game. We came up short in the end and everyone around the club is feeling hurt. I think the club will be back where it belongs very soon. Hopefully next season they can push on.

“I earned my respect on the first day and could show everyone why I chose Birmingham. Being around the city and seeing the fans, and seeing how welcoming and hard-working everybody is, there are amazing people everywhere round here.

“We’ll see what happens, I’m heading back to Fulham and I’m going to try my best there. That’s my team at the moment and I need to take everything I’ve learned from here and go there. Blues will always have a place in my heart.”

Birmingham would undoubtedly welcome Stansfield back to St. Andrew’s for another year or maybe permanently. However, with teams throughout the Championship vying for strikers more than ever, the 21-year-old may opt to continue honing his skills in the second tier for another year, or try to translate last year’s momentum into a first-team push at Fulham.

The London club already has Rodrigo Muniz and Raul Jimenez as their favorite strikers. However, with the latter turning 33 yesterday and failing to regain his previous form after a recent injury, Stansfield could emerge as a much-needed backup next season.

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