September 28, 2024

The anguish remains apparent. Relegation.

To League One. How on Earth could this have happened? What exactly can be done to get Birmingham City back on track?

With new, high-profile owners in place and plans for a really awesome new stadium and “sports quarter” in the works, the Blues must view this season’s troubles as nothing more than a minor setback to be corrected as soon as possible.

That means next season, and the club’s hierarchy has already received a clear message about what needs to be done and how to proceed.

In the days following the Blues’ relegation, we questioned fans on a variety of topics, including what caused the tragedy, who excelled despite the club’s problems, and what should be done this summer to try to rectify the wrongs of 2023/24.

It is fair to assume that Blues fans did not hold back – 86 percent of respondents blamed Wayne Rooney’s hiring as manager for their relegation, an error or judgment that the club hierarchy has already admitted.

Jay Stansfield was the season’s lone bright spot. The loan striker won all of the club’s end-of-season accolades, and our poll followed suit.

Eighty percent of respondents named him their Blues player of the season, while seventy-seven percent said he was the club’s best addition last summer. When it came to whether the Blues should try to recruit the Fulham man on a permanent deal this summer, 83 percent of fans answered “yes.”

Looking ahead to next season and the quest to return the Blues to the Championship, fans anticipate significant changes this summer.

greater than half of respondents, 55 percent, feel six to ten new signings are required to transform Blues into a League One force, with another 27 percent believing greater than ten players are required. Another 18% believe that one to five new players will be sufficient.

As for where those changes should be made, the reaction was clear: 69 percent of respondents want to see new strikers at St Andrews next season. The next most popular positions were centre-back (10%) and offensive midfielder (7%).

The Blues’ management is presently considering what to do with the eight players who will be out of contract this summer, so we asked fans what they would do with John Ruddy, Neil Etheridge, Marc Roberts, Ivan Sunjic, Keshi Anderson, Gary Gardner, Lukas Jutkiewicz, and Scott Hogan.

Ruddy is a wanted man among goalkeepers, but only on a 56/44 split of votes from more over 2,000 Blues fans. However, 82 percent are pleased to see Etheridge go.

It was a similar story with forwards Jutkiewicz and Hogan, with 70% delighted to see the veteran of too many relegation campaigns try his hand in League One and 90% happy for Hogan to be let go.

Sunjic and Anderson were each given 61 percent of the vote to stay, but Roberts (64 percent) and Gardner (77 percent) were told their time at St Andrews had come to an end.

Blues’ end of season poll results in full

What is to blame for Blues’ season?

Poor recruitment: 9%

The Wayne Rooney appointment: 86%

Not appointing Gary Rowett as interim sooner: 5%

Who was Blues’ best signing last summer?

Jay Stansfield: 77%

Ethan Laird: 2%

Koji Miyoshi: 9%

Siriki Dembele: 1%

Dion Sanderson: 1%

Krystian Bielik : 5%

Lee Buchanan: 5%

Should Blues try to sign loan striker Jay Stansfield on a permanent deal this summer?

Yes: 83%

No: 17%

In what position do Blues most need to recruit first team starters this summer?

Goalkeeper: 9%

Right-back: 0%

Left-back 1%

Centre-back: 10%

Defensive midfield: 4%

Attacking midfield: 7%

Left wing: 0%

Right wing: 0%

Striker: 69%

How many new signings do Blues need to make this summer?

1-5: 18%

6-10: 55%

More than 10: 27%

Who is your player of the season?

Jay Stansfield: 80%

Juninho Bacuna : 3%

Koji Miyoshi: 9%

Krystian Bielik: 4%

Lee Buchanan: 4%

Your verdict on Blues out-of-contract players

John Ruddy

Keep 56%; Release 44%

Neil Etheridge

Keep 18%; Release 82%

Marc Roberts

Keep 36%; Release 64%

Ivan Sunjic

Keep 61%; Release 39%

Keshi Anderson

Keep 61%; Release 39%

Gary Gardner

Keep 23%; Release 77%

Lukas Jutkiewicz

Keep 70%; Release 30%

Scott Hogan

Keep 10%; Release 90%

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