Aston Villa star rejects to enter media war however is upset with former club, saying “I won’t name any names.”

The midfielder for Aston Villa, Nicol Zaniolo, has acknowledged that he regrets leaving his old team, Roma, and maintains that things could have been handled more differently.

Speaking to La Repubblica, the Italian discussed his tumultuous and fractious exit from Rome in February of last year.

Zaniolo has been a member of the Serie A team since the summer of 2018, when he joined in a €6.75 million transfer from Inter Milan.

After that, he soon made a name for himself as one of Italy’s emerging stars, and many people thought he would carry Italy’s squad going ahead.

Prior to leaving Roma last year for Galatasaray and then Aston Villa this year, he was a crucial member of the team for Roma, scoring 24 goals and assisting 28 more in 128 games.

With a very public falling out with the club, its administration, and the supporters, his departure from Rome was not a joyful one. His affiliation with the club, which many had anticipated would be a long and happy one, came to an end as a result of him seeking asylum in Turkey.

Even though he is now at Aston Villa, questions about what went wrong at his previous club continue to be raised, this time by Repubblica.

Tuttomercatoweb quoted him as saying, “I won’t name any names, I don’t like media wars.”

However, in Roma, things might have turned out differently because I have a lot of love for the supporters, my teammates, the team, the city, and them as a whole. I experienced disappointment as a result.

I have obligations, but there are also other people. Such messes indicate that we have all forgotten our position when they occur.

However, I don’t want to discuss the past because I am currently playing in the Premier League and I am considering the future.

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