September 28, 2024

Photo: Arne Müseler

Darren Moore is eager to begin working with the majority of his Terriers team over the two-week international break and finally have uninterrupted sessions with his new group; he has a number of goals for them, including increasing their offensive success.

When recuperation days, matchdays, and pre-match travel are all taken into account, the amount of time the Huddersfield Town manager has been able to spend with the team is severely constrained. He managed four games in his first 16 days in charge of the team.

However, Moore has yet to experience a victory since moving to the John Smith’s Stadium. Saturday’s scoreless draw with his former team Sheffield Wednesday was the latest in a string of matches in which his team has struggled mightily in the final third, a problem that predates his arrival but hasn’t yet improved under his guidance.

The gaffer now wants to make things right, stating: “That’s what I truly want to focus on. We have the opportunity to work during these upcoming two weeks. Other people might see the two weeks as a chance to relax and unwind, but now I see it as a chance for us to work as a team.

“What I’m going to say is that over the past two weeks, we’ve had four games, so we’ve been pinching the players, but every single one of them has been an absolute diamond because they’ve done everything we’ve asked them to do in a limited amount of time.” However, now we have a chance to really look at getting on the training run and doing some work.

When we do enter dangerous territory, we need to improve so that we can be more of a threat, more punishing to the opponent, and demonstrate a little bit more understanding of the dynamics of our play, which you can only learn on the practice field. In the upcoming couple of weeks, we look forward to working on it.

“There are many different dynamics to this team, looking back at the four games we’ve played and then looking at the team and its dynamics,” he continued. Therefore, it has been a learning process to observe players in various roles and to identify guys who may be used to maintain the team’s continuity.

We observed that in their gaming spells. We went for the win today using Dell, Josh, and Sorba as a type of front three. As I mentioned, we successfully moved the ball into position, but it kind of stalled when we could have displayed a little bit more vigor.

I have made a covenant with all the players in terms of them maxing out, which is why I said at the beginning when I arrived here that I’m not going to place a ceiling on the players. Instead, what I’m asking them to do is to demonstrate that commitment, effort, and willingness to want to grow and move forward. That’s crucial for us because, given our current situation, we want to advance the club.

“Given the time we’ve had with the players themselves over the last couple of weeks, there have been some good solid blocks put in, and the staff is just looking forward to getting on the training ground, really, and just working with them,” the staff said.

“Getting on the practice field and working and demonstrating that level of improvement, that level of understanding, and getting to know the players is really all there is to it,”

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